What is a Conditional Program

Yardian Unique Features


Conditional Program allows you to create a watering schedule with a trigger event, such as specific temperatures. It’s a special program that you can use in addition to a Smart Program or Manual Program for your zone(s). A Conditional Program has a higher priority than a Smart Program or Manual Program if there’s a watering time conflict. For example, let’s say you have a Conditional Program set at 5pm every day for 3 minutes when the temperature is higher than 95°F, as well as a Manual Program set at 5pm every day with a duration of 10 minutes. Whenever the Conditional Program is executed, the watering task from the Manual Program will be modified to 5:03pm ~ 5:10pm.


Watering from the following programs is not factored into the soil water level:

  • Quick Control
  • Quick Program
  • Conditional Program

Create a Conditional Program

Please go to the “Program” tab, click “Conditional”:

Click the “Add Conditional Program” button and specify a program name:

Set Up a Conditional Schedule

Click the “Zone” button and specify a zone:

Please specify

  • Watering Day
  • Start Time
  • Duration
  • Temperature Threshold

Now you have a Conditional Program that will run the schedules when the temperature condition is met.

Please contact our support team at support@aeonmatrix.com for further assistance.