Yardian and Apple HomeKit

Yardian Pro is the Only Multi-Station HomeKit Sprinklers

iOS users can also use Yardian Pro’s basic controls from the Home app. This article will show you how to build your Yardian Pro Irrigation Controller as an Apple Home accessory as well as connect to the Internet. 

Follow The Steps Below


Before You Start

  • Please turn on Wi-Fi (2.4GHz network), and make sure you see the YardianPro ID below “SET UP NEW DEVICE”
  • Make sure you have installed the Apple Home app
  • Make sure the LED is green and blue. If not, press the reboot button and try again.
Please keep your phone close to the Yardian device during the process.


Go to the Home app to connect Yardian Pro to the Wi-Fi & HomeKit network. 

You can also tap the YardianPro ID below the Wi-Fi connection page in the first step. It will take you directly to Apple Home.


Tap “Add accessory” to start. Use the HomeKit setup code on the Yardian Pro device. Follow the instructions in the Home app to complete the configuration.

If it fails with messages like: “Accessory not found” or “Cannot add the accessory,” follow these two simple steps:

    • First, factory reset your Yardian Pro: press and hold the Wi-Fi button for over 10 seconds and release when the LED is red. Wait until the LED starts blinking green and blue again.
    • Second, remove the Apple Home app from the background. Reopen the Apple Home App and scan the code again.


After successfully adding the accessory to HomeKit, you can find the Yardian as an accessory in the Apple Home app with switches for enabled zones.


Drag the switch to run or stop watering the zone.

Tap the gear icon for zone setting. In each zone card, you can:

    • Enable or disable zones
    • Set watering duration for each zone
    • Name the zones

Changes made to zone names from the Apple Home app will not be reflected in the Yardian app. We recommend you to use the same name in the Apple Home app and the Yardian app.

Use Siri with Yardian

  • On your iOS device, go to “Settings” > “Siri & Search” and enable “Listen for Hey Siri”. You can then activate Siri by saying “Hey Siri”.
  • You can also press and hold the “Home” or “Side” button to activate Siri.

Running a zone

  • Start watering
  • Start [zone name]
  • Start [zone name]  for 15 minutes
  • Turn on [zone name] for 15 minutes
  • Water [zone name] for 15 minutes

You can simply say “Start watering” to activate multiple zones in the queue. Yardian Pro is the only controller in the market that can activate all the enabled zones at a time. If you wish to water the zones in sequence, use the switch to enable each zone manually.

Stop a zone

  • Stop [zone name]
  • Turn off [zone name]
  • Stop watering

If you need any other assistance with Yardian and Apple HomeKit, please contact support@aeonmatrix.com.