Master Valve By Zone
Yardian Unique Features
The Master Valve By Zone is a powerful feature that activates your master valve or pump relay only for zones that require it. This provides you with the flexibility to control zones with different water sources or utilize the Yardian in a wider range of applications.
Set Up in Yardian App
You can find this new feature by clicking the “Master Valve” button in the “Yardian Device Setting” card.
Yardian Pro
1. Tap the menu icon in the upper right corner.

2. Click the Master Valve Settings. Select zone(s) that are associated with a master valve or pump relay.

Yardian (with camera)
1. Tap the menu icon in the upper right corner.

2. Click the Master Valve to specify zone(s):

3. Click the Master Valve Settings. Select zone(s) that are associated with a master valve or pump relay:

Now you can use your Yardian to control more devices with all kinds of applications!