What is a Manual Program?
Set up a watering schedule
We offer a highly flexible water scheduling program known as the Manual Program, allowing you to create custom watering schedules. With the Manual Program, you can set different watering durations for various zones within each start time. While you need to specify a set of zones for a particular Manual Program, you have the flexibility to enable or disable them within each start time, providing versatile applications for all our customers. In addition to adhering to your schedule settings, the Manual Program offers options to skip watering tasks based on various Skip Rules such as Chance of Rain, Rain Sensor Skip, Rainfall Skip, Manual Skip, and Freeze Prevention. You can also implement Seasonal Adjustment within your Manual Program to adapt your watering schedules on a monthly basis.
Only one zone can be active at the same time. If there are multiple programs with the same start time, we will rearrange the watering tasks to run in order. Multiple start times are allowed within the same program, and different watering durations are permitted for different start times, providing greater flexibility. For example, if you have zone #1 and zone #2 in a Manual Program with a specified start time and duration, the Manual Program will re-arrange so that the actual watering tasks will not overlap:

Soil Water Level
Watering from the Manual Programs is integrated into the system’s soil water level calculation. When a watering task from a Manual Program is executed, the applied water is tracked and included in the overall soil moisture levels, just like with the Smart Program.
Create a Manual Program
Please go to the “Program” tab.
Click the “Manual” tab, then “Add New Manual Program” button to create a new Manual Program.

You can modify the default program name, then click NEXT STEP button:

Please click the new Manual Program that you created:

Now you can click the Zone option to assign zone(s) for this Manual Program.
※Please note that you need to assign at least one zone to a Manual Program in order to “Enable” it.

Set Up a Manual Schedule

In the “Schedule” page, you need to specify the Watering Day with any of the 4 criteria:
- Odd Days – Odd days of the month.
- Even Days – Even days of the month.
- Every X Days – X is set to 4 by default. Set to 1 if you want to water every day.
- Weekly – Select any day(s) of the week to set the weekly watering schedule.

You can have up to 24 Start Times (or schedules) in a Manual Program with different duration.
Please specify the Duration for the hottest month of a year, which will be scaled as 100% if you plan to use the Seasonal Adjustment feature. The minimum duration (or run time) is one minute.

Seasonal Adjustment
When you enable the “Seasonal Adjustment” feature, the “Duration” for the hottest month of a year is shown but the Actual Duration for the current month will be adjusted based on your Seasonal Adjustment Setting.

To modify the “Seasonal Adjustment Setting”, click the menu icon in the “My Programs” page:

Click the chart to modify the adjustment percentage for each month. The default Seasonal Adjustment setting is determined automatically for your area.